As a woman, you know that the phrase “your biological clock is ticking” is no myth. It’s not that you’re incapable of having children when you get older, it’s just a little more difficult if you were above 35.
Some women aren’t ready to have children at a young age, others would prefer to be more financially stable, and others would like to “cheat” their biological clock. Either way, there are a few things you need to know about egg freezing before you undergo the process.
The couple is not guaranteed a successful pregnancy. Currently, there is still no technology to determine whether an egg will materialize into a successful pregnancy. Expect a 40% to 50% chance of conception from frozen eggs.
Freezing does not affect the viability of the eggs.
In fact, freezing will preserve its viability. The benefit of freezing your eggs is that you don’t have to worry about the eggs maturing and losing their effectivity. You literally keep your eggs frozen in time until you’re ready to use them.
Freezing isn’t limited to eggs
You have the option to preserve sperm and the embryo as well! The concept is similar to egg freezing. However, the extraction process is different. Also, embryo freezing will require fertilization. Freezing embryo speeds up the process for conception.
Eggs can only be thawed once
Once the eggs are thawed, they have to be implanted right away. Otherwise, they lose their viability. Your eggs cannot be frozen again because they’ve basically expired.
This is no reason to worry because our clinic has the best facilities in Davao to retain the viability of your precious eggs.
Your health will directly influence the state of your eggs
Similar to the rest of your body, your health will reflect in your eggs. If you live a healthy lifestyle, it will increase the viability of your eggs.
The ideal time to freeze your eggs is in your early twenties.
Younger eggs have a higher in vitro fertilization success rate. Fertility begins to decline at age 35, which means the potency and viability of eggs harvested in your 30s will not be as “effective” as those collected in your 20s. However, you need to consider that egg freezing is an expensive procedure, and you will have to talk about it with your partner.
Overall, you will get more benefits than downsides from egg freezing. Mainly, it gives you the ability to become parents when you want and how you want.
For more information on our fertility services, feel free to leave us a message. IVF Davao is here to assist you on your journey to becoming parents.