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Tests For Evaluating IVF Viability

In vitro fertilization’s viability as a treatment method for those who cannot conceive or have difficulty conceiving naturally has long been established. Given that, you may want to look into the procedure as an option for yourself. Before you can completely count on IVF services in Davao in helping you overcome infertility and successfully conceiving, however, it is essential that some tests are done first.

What are these tests and why are they necessary in your journey to parenthood? Read on to find out.

General blood testing

What it checks: With general blood testing, doctors can screen the mother for their vulnerability to chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and asthma. The immunity to rubella (German measles) and varicella (chickenpox) can also be checked via a blood test.

blood test

Importantly, both the mother and father may also be tested for hepatitis B and C, HIV, and syphilis. Other types of genetic testing may also be required by the specialist depending on the parents-to-be’s genetic backgrounds. This can help rule out possible issues such as cystic fibrosis and sickle cell trait.

Why it’s important: Ensuring the father and the mother’s pre-pregnancy health is an integral step to successful IVF. Running general blood tests to reassess any possibility of complications will not only ensure the safety of the mother but the baby as well.

Testing the Ovarian Reserve

What it checks: There are three main ways in which the ovarian reserve is tested:

  • Day 3 Levels of FSH, LH, and Estradiol – Checking the mother’s sex hormone levels, particularly the determination follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing (LH) and estradiol levels, on the third day of menstruation has been shown to determine fertility potential.
  • Clomiphene Citrate Challenge Test – The patient will take 100 mg of clomiphene citrate on menstrual cycle days 5-9. After that, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) levels will be measured on cycle day 3 and again on cycle day 10.
  • Anti-Mullerian Hormone Test (AMH) – The levels of the Anti-Mullerian hormone is thought to reflect the remaining number of eggs that a woman has. It can be done on any day of the month/the woman’s cycle.

Why it’s important: Women with higher levels of FSH and/or estradiol are reported to experience reduced pregnancy rates with IVF or may require more medications during IVF.

Moreover, for a lot of infertility cases, the main problem arises when women simply don’t have enough healthy, viable eggs in her reserve to allow for conception to happen. By ruling out such insufficiency in the first place, it can help save the couple a lot of hassle. More importantly, they are spared from all the costs other courses of treatment might incur.


What it checks: A sperm analysis is the most utilized and most helpful tests available for checking the health of a man’s sperm. It checks both the liquid portion, the semen and the microscopic aspect, which are the moving cells called sperm. It checks the following crucial aspects of male fertility:

  • Volume of semen
  • Viscosity (consistency or thickness) of the semen
  • Sperm count
  • Sperm density
  • Sperm motility or the ability of the sperm to move
  • Sperm morphology or abnormalities in the shape of the sperm
  • Coagulation and liquefaction or how quickly semen changes from having a thick consistency to liquid
  • Fructose or the sugar in semen which provides energy to sperm
  • The pH or acidity of the semen
  • Number of mature/immature sperm
  • Number of white blood cells in order to check for any possible infections


semen tests

Why it’s important: With male factor infertility being the 3rd main reason behind infertility cases, this procedure is crucial. All possible sperm-related issues should be assessed in order to avoid test duplicates or unnecessary procedures intended for the mother

These are just some of the tests your specialist may recommend you to undergo. These are instrumental in helping them understand where your fertility stands, and how our IVF in Davao City can help you best.

To learn more about which tests you and your partner need to undergo, schedule an appointment with one of IVF Davao’s specialists today!