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expecting a baby

Preparing For Your IVF Treatment

After deciding to seek the assistance of IVF services in Davao, it is time you go on to the next step of your fertility journey, and that is preparing for your treatment!

While every couple’s experience with IVF varies depending on any pre-existing conditions they might have, as well as their concerns regarding their fertility. It can help to know some tips to ensure the best chance of success for you and your partner. With that, here are some essential things to keep in mind as you prepare for your first round of in-vitro fertilization.

1 – Give your body the detox it needs

This doesn’t mean going on fad juicing diets or giving up a particular type of food – detox here means clearing your body of any habits, such as drinking alcohol, regularly indulging in junk food, and most importantly, smoking. It is ideal to do this sort of reset for your body at least a couple of weeks before your scheduled procedure. The earlier, the better.

2 – Mind your nutrition

In connection with preparing your body for IVF, it’s also crucial for you to maintain as healthy a diet as possible. This means getting a good amount of fruits and vegetables into your daily meals to ensure that both you and your partner get in all the nutrients that you both need. It is also recommended that both husband and wife take the extra effort of taking vitamins for extra measure.

3 – Get moving

Exercise is another great way to help the body regulate its natural processes better – and this includes helping your reproductive system maintain proper functioning. Aside from making sure your weight and hormone levels are in check, it helps the body produce a good deal of endorphins which are particularly helpful for women as it assists in restoring balance to follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels. Be careful not to overdo it and do too strenuous exercises.

4 – Talk to each other and to a professional

If there is anything that will help you get through your journey best, it is to make sure you are always communicating as husband and wife. Remember that you are partners in this journey and should be each other’s shoulder to lean on, especially when the procedure may be becoming too much to handle.

It is also very helpful that you both undergo pre-procedure counseling before taking on IVF treatment in Davao. Not only will this help you further strengthen your bond as a couple and future parents, but it helps to quell any fears and anxieties you may both have regarding your upcoming procedures.

You may still be at the beginning of your journey towards becoming parents, but it’s essential that as early as now, you both begin taking extra care of your bodies for your future bundle of joy! In the end, you will both see that this is all indeed worth it.